Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on journalism production

challenges and opportunities for ethical and efficient journalism



journalism, Artificial Intelligence, ethic


The study examines the effects of Artificial Intelligence on journalistic production, with an emphasis on the quality, veracity, and relevance of information. This work conducts a literature review on the topic and incorporates the theories of Edgar Morin and Álvaro Vieira Pinto to discuss and promote the conscious use of technology. The objective is to understand how Artificial Intelligence can transform journalism without compromising its ethical principles. Preliminary results indicate that while Artificial Intelligence increases efficiency and productivity in newsrooms, ethical challenges and dilemmas persist, requiring a balance between technology and humanization in journalistic practice.

Author Biography

  • Oldemburgo da Silva Paranhos Neto, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

    Mestrando em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas.


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EXT 2 - Informação, Comunicação e Processos Tecnol´ógicos

How to Cite

Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on journalism production: challenges and opportunities for ethical and efficient journalism. (2024). Seminário Internacional De Informação, Tecnologia E Inovação, 6, e188.