Contemporary challenges of Electronic Management of Documents
a study on the Sebrae/Alagoas Archive
Electronic Document Management, digital preservation, Sebrae, S systemAbstract
Electronic Document Management is fundamental to the effectiveness of information services, promoting communication, productivity and quality in document management. Sebrae/Alagoas, responsible for the sustainable development of micro and small companies, needs organized information to fulfill its mission. The research investigated the electronic management of documents in the Sebrae/Alagoas permanent archive, with the aim of understanding this process. For the methodological path, it was determined that the research in nature is quantitative and qualitative, in terms of objectives, the research is exploratory and descriptive. The research universe was made up of fellows who work directly in the Sebrae/Alagoas permanent archive. The data collection instrument was an online questionnaire. The results showed that the practice is well established, but current challenges include security issues, digital preservation and processing of different document types.
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