Analysis of collaboration networks in the production of patents – Federal University of Alagoas



análisis de redes, patentes, colaboración tecnológica, Universidad Federal de Alagoas


Scientific-technological collaboration is a fundamental pillar in the innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of organizations, with network analysis being a methodology that makes the existing dynamics visible. This research analyzes the collaboration networks of the Federal University of Alagoas in the production of patents. 179 patents were found, identifying 686 inventors, 22 organizations and 160 lines of technological interest. An exclusively internal and geographically close collaborative dynamic is observed, both at the country level and between inventors. It is also observed that the incorporation of new inventors has been a constant throughout the study period. Regarding consistency in patent applications, 74% of inventors registered an application only once.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Enrique Agüero Aguilar, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

    Doctor en Sistemas de Información y Documentación con mención Cum Laude por la Universidad de Zaragoza (España), Especialista en Gestión Tecnológica por la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), Certified Knowledge Management Officer (CKMO). Docente pregrado y postgrado de Bibliotecología e Ciencias de la Información en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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How to Cite

Analysis of collaboration networks in the production of patents – Federal University of Alagoas. (2024). Seminário Internacional De Informação, Tecnologia E Inovação, 6, e2010.